There are four initial projects I am attempting, in addition to working 5-6 edit shifts to bring home the bread for the family. My plan is to committ at least ninety minutes every night to the writing/creating process. After that, I can surf the net and play penny poker online.
First, I want to finish a feature script that explores another aspect of how machines will one day rule the world. I have had the first 40 pages done for years but have always stumbled trying to figure out the perfect way for man to overthrow the machines.
Second, adapt "Bunny Rabbit", a short film script whose filming was interrupted by 9/11 itself, into a feature film starring an Indian woman who wakes up one day and thinks she is a rabbit.
Third, figure out a television series involving a cast of Indian characters in America that can be sold to cable networks in India.
Finally, try and assist a friend from work who is pitching a dramatic series to the networks.