Sometime between my last post and Saturday morning, I had decided that I was going to really take the initiative and churn out a rough cut each weekend of the footage by the following Friday. There still is no baby and it would be nice if Ed had a chance to see the film and get some additional shots if needed.
I showed up on set Sunday, checked things out, grabbed the tapes, and went straight home to try and load some scenes into FCP. Of course, I got a tape format area. The film is being shot on a JVC camera using 24 AP technology. My deck, unfortunately, is a SONY and can not play tapes that are recorded at 24 frames per second. The solution is relatively easy but makes editing the film quickly diificult.
There are two solutions, and both involve using the camera as a deck. First, we can load the footage in Manhattan at Ed's house every week and then I would take the drives to my place in Brooklyn and begin editing. Theoretically, this scenario works fine as long as we are running the same version of the editing software, but you can generally expect some delays. The second scenario entails me taking the camera to Brooklyn every Monday, loading the footage, and then returning the camera every Friday so it is available on the weekends. Both possibilities are viable... which solution is best is yet to be determined.