After working all day at my paid gig, I met Allison, her aunt, uncle, and cousins in the park. They were playing soccer with the dogs- our dog Gabru and their new puppy Rugby. The uncle I am referring to is none other than Petr, the DP for Happy Sauce. It was very nice of them to visit Allison while I was away at work all day. We had a German/ Austrian dinner at Cafe Steinhof and had a chance to chat further about the film and the footage.
I am now back in the editing chair at home. As I continue to piece together the footage, I realize that maybe I have too much to accomplish by tomorrow evening. I almost forgot that films shot on video have so much more footage than a film shot on film. When you shoot video, there is no concern for wasted film stock and money. Digital tape is so cheap it allows you to shoot everything, including the rehearsals. I am very thankful now that my assistant Sally not only took great notes about each shot but she also slated every new take.
My deadline is officially Monday, but realistically I need to email Ed a cut to post on the Blue Owl Flicks blog Sunday night. I work all day Monday and would rather not have the stress of rushing home and making any final decisions Monday evening. I know I will be finished in time... the task just seems very impossible at the present moment.